The Power and Need of Networking in Construction

As construction continues to lag behind most industries in technology and connection platforms, there is one thing that industry leaders and influencers continue to seek out – online and convenient networking communities. Unlike most technology sectors where products and solutions are often proprietary and secretive, construction remains one of the most open industries in the United States today. Most construction companies only compete at a local or regional level, so knowledge-sharing across the nation is valuable and vital to all sizes and types of businesses. 

Oftentimes, construction business owners “fall or slide” into an ownership position because the barrier to entry is smaller than other sectors.  Because of these barriers, however, there is an influx of business owners with little knowledge of how to successfully run a company and very little business operations experience. According to the National Business Capital, construction is second only to the information industry as the highest failure rate in 2019 – at a staggering 53%. Obviously, the easiest way to lower this number for your company is to acquire the business knowledge expertise as you go, though this is not a surefire method for success and can feel as though you’re flying the plane while still trying to build it. Rather, the most productive way to build business competency and long-term success is through mentorship and guidance from those who have walked in your shoes. 

Along with business insight, many construction owners and executives are seeking out leadership and entrepreneurial communities and schools to help them become better managers that can lead their businesses to sustainable growth. Those that are achieving success have a growth mindset and continually seek out continued ways to improve individually and corporately. 

The sheer power of networking as ownership and executive groups has been proven again and again, but connection platforms and solutions are not always available or robust enough to be found nationwide. Although technology solutions are helpful for business owners, one’s success usually hinges on the team and network that they surround themselves with. Michele Jennae, author of “The Connect worker,” said it best: “Networking is not about just connecting people. It’s about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities.”

As founder of US Construction Zone, our team is attempting to create the vehicle to connect the greatest minds in construction together to allow them to collaborate and construct a better, more sustainable industry.  As I have mentioned many times on podcasts and webinars, the only thing I really know is that I do not solely have all the answers, so why not create a peer network where the best answers can collectively be found! We are doing our best to find not only the most talented people in the construction industry but more importantly, the people most willing to mentor and guide others through similar paths to success. These are usually leaders that care more about their legacy in terms of relationships rather than measuring their success monetarily. 

“If you’re not reaching back to help anyone then you’re not building a legacy.”

― Germany Kent

If we are describing you or who you aspire to be, please visit and connect with this influential group today!  

  • Jeremy Owens


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