Leadership comes in all shapes and sizes, ages and demographics, but few have the mindset that Casey Grey is demonstrating at the Conscious Builder. Whether he is managing his team on the construction site, creating YouTube videos, conversing with industry professionals on his podcast, or learning about new technologies and advancements, he will consistently complete them all one way – thoughtfully. I have met very few construction professionals that possess such a positive combination of people skills, curiosity for the future, mindfulness, adaptation, and introspectiveness than Grey. He is the type of leader that the construction industry needs in order to attract the kind of talent that will be required to make our industry more desirable and sustainable.
Despite having the best of intentions, one specific dynamic that construction executives can struggle with is change – either not being prepared for it, not willing to adapt to it, or the inability to quickly pivot when the need for adjustment arises. Casey’s “family-shrub” upbringing prepared and equipped him to deal with change. He explains, “I think from anything that I’ve learned in all my personal development over the years is that there’s only one constant and that constant is change. Everything changes in the world, right? So the more comfortable you are changing, I think the better off you’ll be in life because things are always going to change. And it’s just a matter of how we accept it and how we adapt and how we keep moving forward.”
Casey humbly admits that his mindset shift did not happen on its own. He credits both his wife Natasha and her invitation to a Tony Robbins’ “Unleash the Power from Within” conference to thank! “What I came out with is asking myself better questions. We started to ask questions about everything and why we do certain things, and it just opened our eyes to a whole new way of living that we had no idea about before because we are all products of our environment. Once we know that and we understand that, we can then choose the environment that we want to be a part of, and become a part of that environment,” Grey explained. This realization not only changed their daily perspective, but empowered them to realize that they had the potential to change their entire lives for the better! Casey went on to explain how starting and ending his day with a positive mindset and a win is one minor way he started to take advantage of the few things that he could control in his daily life.
Leaning into change, asking more thoughtful questions, and filling the controllable moments in his life with positivity and mindfulness was the start, but Grey’s curiosity for the future is inspiring him now. Grey continues, “The important thing for me is to know a lot about different things that are going to affect the business, right? So that’s economy, that is things like cryptocurrency, that is understanding how we can use that, staying ahead of the game. And I just happen to be pulled towards that because I’m generally interested in technology and really believe that we are going to have – like our world is changing and it’s changing faster than our brains can comprehend. Our brains think linearly, but technology increases exponentially and it’s harder and harder to stay on top of that. But when you start to train your brain to think that way and you see what’s possible, it’s wild.”

As we have learned from some of the most inspirational leaders of our time such as Tony Robbins, we have the ability to positively control our lives – not by controlling all of the circumstances, but by changing our mindset and improving our environment. It is one thing to go to a conference for the entertainment value, but it is entirely another to change the course of your life like Casey Grey did. By making the decision to be more intentional about his and his family’s life choices, they became better parents, better business leaders, and in their experience, better people. This change in their life appeared to make the colors more vivid, the joy more deep, and their lives more purposeful. It is safe to say that Casey Grey is the type of leader that we need right now in the construction industry, and you can bet, we will be watching, supporting, and digesting his content in hopes that we can stay ahead of the game just like he does!
The Conscious Builder – https://www.theconsciousbuilder.com/
The Conscious Builder Academy – https://www.consciousbuilderacademy.com/