Guest Podcast – Matt Minor with Hatch: How To Build On The Past And Innovate Your Business

In this episode Hatch host Matt Minor interviews Jeremy Owens of US Construction Zone (USCZ).

Written by Matt Minor

One of the biggest risks for long-standing home improvement businesses is the inability (or unwillingness) to innovate.

Without innovation, businesses become stagnant –especially today. Just compare the turnover rate for companies in the S&P 500 from 1950-1990 and from 2000 – 2021.

On today’s #BuiltBy, I got a chance to chat with Jeremy Owens, Owner @ 3 Generations Improvements and CEO/Founder of US Construction Zone.

In this episode, Jeremy and I discuss:

🕰 Jeremy’s experience of taking over a business that his grandfather and father started

📈 The aspects from the earlier stages of the business that helped 3 Generations continue thriving.

⚡️ How Jeremy innovated the company’s marketing focus

💨 Jeremy’s ideas around hiring a team to stay lean and agile

🤝 His thoughts on in-person referrals vs. online reviews.

🏆The number one tip he’d give to anyone in the industry right now.

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