Water management by Tamlyn: When Doing It Right Matters

When your building envelope requires a quality layer of protection with added drainage capability, TamlynWrap Drainable is the right choice for the professional builder, designer or contractor. TamlynWrap Drainable is a high performance water and air resistive barrier with a unique drainage pattern designed for the harsh conditions of a jobsite and all climate zones. TamlynWrap Drainable is made from multiple non-woven and barrier layers that provide superior durability, moisture and air infiltration protection with added drainage capability. The unique drainage pattern can remove 100 times more bulk water from a wall versus standard wraps offering enhanced moisture management and drying. The tough non-woven structure is backed by an industry leading warranty of up to 25 years making TamlynWrap Drainable the right choice for your residential, multi-family or commercial project. TamlynWrap Drainable is unique in its development for focusing on improving building performance as well as the installation quality and jobsite safety. Learn more from Team Tamlyn!

All information listed in this section was submitted by Tamlyn.
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