Do you want to know how to successfully use BIM for infrastructure construction? InfraBIM Open Tampere invites clients, consultants, tech companies, and startups to learn from the best. The world’s first international two-day event starts on February 6, 2018, with a lineup of top-notch presenters and case studies.
OpenBIM, the Nordic Way
Many think that BIM is mainly for the building industry, as the term “building information modeling” seems to indicate. However, BIM has huge potential in transport infrastructure construction and life-cycle management. Since most infrastructure clients are public sector organizations, adherence to proprietary technologies is not advisable. That’s why OpenBIM is one of the key topics at InfraBIM Open Tampere, Finland.
The Nordics have been the trailblazers in bringing BIM, especially Open infraBIM, to infrastructure construction. BuildingSMART Finland released “InfraBIM Requirements for Infrastructure” in 2015. Inframodel, the Finnish LandXML implementation, inframodel format, has become the required standard in governmental and urban infrastructure construction. A revised version of inframodel will be released in early 2018.
Companies and public-sector organizations are doing grassroots BIM development in numerous experimental projects. There are BIM projects for landscape design, water supply networks, geo-modeling, cost and risk management, and asset management, to name a few. In all, the Nordics are not just talking about OpenBIM, they’ve made it an essential part of the business.
Learn from the Latest Case Studies
InfraBIM Open Tampere features in-depth case studies that demonstrate how BIM brings new value to infrastructure construction and management. Here are some of the topics covered:
- How infraBIM serves the whole life cycle of infrastructure assets through open data exchange, BIM tools, and process innovations
- The benefits that IPD (Integrated Project Delivery) and alliance project participants get from BIM-enhanced collaboration
- OpenBIM tools that link planning, construction, and asset management
- How open standards and guidelines enable efficient collaboration and unified processes, and minimize data loss during the process
- The status of infraBIM standardization and norms in different countries
The case studies are from Finland, Sweden, Norway, and the UK.
The Future is Smart
Smart cities, mobility as a service, and self-driving vehicles require up-to-date data on the built infrastructure. BIM makes sure that the information on planned, under construction, and existing infrastructure is reliable and usable.
Finland is committed to the renewal of the infrastructure industry and OpenBIM. Local governments, cities, and companies are working together towards a common goal: an infrastructure that is both physical and digital. That will give rise to new business models and spark innovation and technological development in the sector. BuildingSMART Finland, the organizer of the event, is the flywheel and coordinator of this development. InfraBIM Open Tampere allows the attendees to meet and talk with the forerunners and developers of the smart future.
Looking Forward to Seeing You in Tampere
Mr. Tarmo Savolainen from Finnish Transport Agency, and one of the organizers, said about the event: “BIM is never finished; there is constant development. That’s why I think this topic is going to be repeated year after year—especially when word spreads about this first conference. Personally, I am very satisfied to have attracted a few really high-level speakers to the event, and I hope that I can get to chat with professionals from as many backgrounds as possible. Learning from each other is the best way of spreading information.”
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