TCF441: Bringing respect and dignity back to the trades

Managing a business will always present challenges, and peer networking allows you to have a better chance of overcoming them. Today, Tom’s guest is Jeremy Owens, the CEO of Three Generations Improvement and founder of US Construction Zone, a new community built to help contractors, leaders, and vendors in the construction industry by building relationship networks.

In this episode, we talk about…

  • Advice for people working in family businesses — do what you’re good at, don’t care who is running the business
  • The older generation needs to trust and accept the way the young generation runs the business
  • The main goal for establishing US Construction Zone 
  • There are always going to be problems in the construction industry — make your connections
  • Obstacles that Jeremy ran into to bring the organization to life
  • Patience is needed when you are launching a startup
  • Contractors don’t come to the table with a lot of skills — ongoing education is necessary
  • One zoom call with one person at a time is rewarding
  • Ideal members for the US Construction Zone
  • How the older generation can have a positive impact on the young contractors
  • You need to have a vision, mission statement, and marching order to attract young people to your business.
  • Give reasons for people to work in the construction industry


US Construction Zone Website: 

3 Generations Improvements: 

Email Jeremy: 

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The $100k Contractor is designed to get you to at least $100k a year in personal income. It’s time we quit stealing from our families and get that time back!   

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