Sound Design Guide 2022 edition now available

Remove the guesswork and unleash your creativity with the industry’s most transparent and comprehensive guide for sound and fire designs. PABCO® Gypsum’s latest edition of The Sound Design Guide has been redesigned and is more robust than ever. More than 177 sound and fire-tested assemblies on various steel and wood frame partitions with different stud thicknesses, configurations, and materials, makes designing to code faster and easier.

This includes 74 new wall designs which have been added throughout the guide and an additional section on 2×6 wood stud framing assemblies, useful for residential construction.

Low frequency STL (Sound Transmission Loss) data tables have also been added to assemblies that feature QuietRock® 545. “When designing walls for low frequency transmission loss, STC results do not provide enough data,” says Ben Shafer, technical services manager, acoustic systems for PABCO® Gypsum.

The new edition also features an enhanced layout of the assemblies which now includes a side-by-side comparison of results for studs spaced 406 mm (16 in.) on center vs. 610 mm  (24 in.) on center. This allows the reader to easily see the effect that stud spacing alone can have on the STC performance of a wall.

These enhancements and more are available in the 2022 edition of The Sound Design Guide. Download a digital copy or request a printed guide here.

All information listed in this section was submitted by Pabco Gypsum.
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