Solving Difficult Design Problems – An Interview with Andrew Watts of Newtecnic

Newtecnic is a world leader in the engineering design of ambitious construction projects and building envelope systems. In this interview, Andrew Watts describes how his firm became an international success and how they approach difficult design problems.

Andrew Watts it the CEO of Newtecnic, an architect and engineer. In this exciting interview, he discusses the following topics:

  • How to solve difficult design problems
  • What is agile management of design
  • Why you should start by designing the process before you start the design task
  • Why experimentation is essential
  • How the construction industry will change

About Newtecnic

Newtecnic is an international world leader in the engineering design of complex highly ambitious construction projects and advanced building envelope systems. The company is an engineering design house that undertakes the engineering design of building structures, facades, and MEP (Mechanical Electrical and Plumbing) installations in partnership with leading international developers, architects, and contractors.

Founded in 2003, Newtecnic’s design professionals team is completely and solely dedicated to the design and engineering of structures, facades and MEP.

In partnership with the Engineering Department of Cambridge University, Newtecnic’s R&D team, based in Cambridge UK, analyses, develops, tests, validates and specifies new building technologies and methods.

Newtecnic has offices in the USA, UK and Saudi Arabia. The company is owned, directed and managed by long-established highly qualified and experienced engineers and architects. Newtecnic holds the ISO 9001:2015 certification with the British Standards Institution (BSI).

For more information, go to

Photos are courtesy of Newtecnic

Listen to the interview (also on iTunes)

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