Our Favorite Buildings That Have Turned Green for St. Patrick's Day

Today, Ireland takes over North America, and everyone is a little Irish. So, we wanted to add to the celebration by making a list of our favorite buildings going green for the occasion. We think these structures look stunning in green. Here are our favorite North American buildings turning green for St. Patrick’s Day:

San Francisco City Hall
San Francisco, CA

San Francisco’s City hall was built in 1913 after the previous structure was destroyed in the Great Earthquake and Fire of April 18, 1906. It’s built with steel, granite, and a white marble interior. This symbol of resilience will glow green to honor St. Patrick’s Day.

Bloedel Floral Conservatory
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Bloedel Floral Conservatory was built to celebrate Canada’s 100th anniversary and is dedicated to fostering a greater appreciation and understanding of the world of plants. This week, Bloedel Floral Conservatory in Vancouver joins many buildings around the world turning green for St. Patrick’s Day and will shine green in celebration.

Canada Place
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Canada Place was built in 1985 and expanded in 2001. It holds a convention center, hotel, Vancouver’s World Trade Centre, and a virtual flight ride. This structure will be illuminated green this evening to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.

The Empire State Building
New York, NY

St. Patrick’s Day is particularly special for the Empire State Building as it marks the day construction began back in 1930. Completed in 1931, the title of the tallest building in the world for 40 years. This iconic landmark will dazzle residents and visitors alike by glowing green, white, and orange today in honor of St. Patrick’s Day.

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day from ConstructConnect! No matter how you celebrate, be safe, and we hope you will enjoy the luck of the Irish today.

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