Nonresidential Construction Starts Trend Graphs – October 2021

Clichés are often true and it is the case that a picture can be worth a thousand words.

Nonresidential Construction Starts Trend Graphs - October 2021 Graphic

Below are six graphs recording 12-month moving averages of ConstructConnect’s nonresidential construction starts.

When the value of the current month is higher than for the same month a year ago, the line will turn up; when lower, it will dip.

String a couple of similar positive or negative directional changes together over several months and one has a trend.

And that’s what the graphs are designed to do, show improving or deteriorating trends in a dozen major and more granular categories of construction work.

Click here to download the Construction Industry Snapshot Package – October 2021 PDF.

Click here for the October 2021 Industry Snapshot article, October’s Nonresidential Construction Starts -26% M/M, -9% Y/Y & -2% YTD.

Click here for the Top 10 Project Starts in the U.S. – October 2021.

Graph 1: U.S. Nonresidential Construction Starts ‒ ConstructConnect
(12-month moving averages)

U.S. Non-residential Construction Starts ‒ ConstructConnect

Source and Chart: ConstructConnect.

Graph 2: U.S. Commercial & Institutional Construction Starts ‒ ConstructConnect
(12-month moving averages)

U.S. Commercial & Institutional Construction Starts ‒ ConstructConnect

Source and Chart: ConstructConnect.

Graph 3: U.S. Retail & Private Office Building Construction Starts ‒ ConstructConnect
(12-month moving averages)

U.S. Retail & Private Office Building Construction Starts ‒ ConstructConnect

Source and Chart: ConstructConnect.

Graph 4: U.S. Hospital/Clinic & School/College Construction Starts ‒ ConstructConnect
(12-month moving averages)

U.S. Hospital/Clinic & School/College Construction Starts ‒ ConstructConnect

Source and Chart: ConstructConnect.

Graph 5: U.S. Road/Highway & Water/Sewage Construction Starts ‒ ConstructConnect
(12-month moving averages)

U.S. Road/Highway & Water/Sewage Construction Starts ‒ ConstructConnect

Source and Chart: ConstructConnect.

Graph 6: U.S. Bridges & Miscellaneous Civil Construction Starts ‒ ConstructConnect
(12-month moving averages)

U.S. Bridges & Miscellaneous Civil Construction Starts ‒ ConstructConnect

The last data points in all the graphs on this page are for October 2021.

Source and Chart: ConstructConnect.

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