Introducing PlanGrid Web Sheet Viewer 2.0: A Faster, Fully Immersive Viewing Experience

It’s no secret that the digitization of construction documents has brought an abundance of positive benefits to the building industry. Up-to-date plans are easier to access, anywhere, and there’s no longer a need to lug around an extra 80 lbs or so in blueprints. Nevertheless, construction professionals accustomed to paper-based systems have found that, at times, they miss the ability to effortlessly pour into every little detail in their plans with the physical documents right in front of them.  

At PlanGrid, our mobile-first platform was designed specifically to allow builders to easily access each and every document found in their sheets. However, we found that our web-based platform didn’t provide as seamless of an experience to obtain these details. Until now.

Dig Into Every Detail with the PlanGrid Web Sheet Viewer 2.0

We are excited to announce that we have fully revamped the PlanGrid Web Sheet Viewer. The entire experience has been gutted down to the studs and rebuilt to now be closer to our mobile sheet viewing.

More Room to View

Sheet Viewer 2.0 has a fully immersive experience with more screen real estate being used for the actual viewing experience.

Focus on the Details that Matter

With the new version of PlanGrid Web Sheet Viewer, details are crystal clear. We have fundamentally rebuilt the rendering engine to allow for a 30x increase on the maximum zoom level, allowing you to get a clear look at any specific aspect of your sheets.  

Act Faster

Instead if disrupting your view with a pop up for action items, we’ve moved functionality into drawers on the sidebar – allowing you to quickly perform actions with minimal distractions.

Web Sheet Viewer_Side Bar

Clearer Markups

In our original Web Sheet Viewer, markups that overlapped created ambiguity when trying to select and edit. But now, we have introduced markup click disambiguation, so you can easily select the markup you need when you click on a set of layered and stacked markups.

Web Sheet Viewer_Select Markup

Opening Up the Future of Web-Based Sheet Viewing in Construction

Our new sheet viewer has continued to unlock the benefits of digitization in construction. PlanGrid Web Sheet Viewer 2.0 allows construction professionals to access and utilize their sheets with more efficiency and functionality than any paper-based system.  Furthermore, we have built the platform with the right foundation to add a lot of highly requested features. Be on the lookout for new features such as Sheet Compare in the near future.

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