InfraBIM Open Tampere – Video

InfraBIM Open Tampere invites clients, consultants, tech companies, and startups to learn from the best. The world’s first of its kind international two-day event starts on February 6, 2018.

We in the Nordics believe that BIM and open standards are essential to transport-infrastructure-construction and development.

Take the Tampere Tramway project, for example. The design and construction alliance uses BIM extensively. Excavators receive BIM data in the open InfraModel format. The communication is fast and bi-directional.  Machine control eliminates unnecessary waiting and digging, helps optimize operations, and improves site safety. Once the project is completed, the city will have as-built models for asset management and other future uses.

The city of Helsinki employs BIM in bridge construction. In the Grandfather’s Bridge project, instead of a pile of drawings, the city provided the contractor with a digital model of the structure. The contractor used BIM to extract measurements, generate prefabrication designs, manage the construction schedule, and even onboard new workers. Accurate data saved time and money for both the client and the contractor.

Come to Tampere on February the 6th  and 7th to hear more case studies and meet open infraBIM users and experts.

See you at InfraBIM Open Tampere!

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