InfraBIM Open Coming up on February 3, 2020

The first InfraBIM Open in 2018 brought already together 400 participants to Tampere, Finland. In 2019 it attracted 530 participants from over 25 different countries, and the program included 60 presentations. The world had been waiting for this conference series!

During two days in February 2020 the organizers will gather together the best subjects, most visionary people and the industry leaders to get you excited about. You’ll experience over 60 presentations from 23 different countries on these topics:

  • The latest applications of BIM on ground and underground
  • How to make BIM a part of education
  • The public clients’ view to BIM
  • The practical daily use of OpenBIM in road, street, tramline, railway and bridge projects

This event is for all actors of infrastructure life cycle. You do not have to be a BIM enthusiastic to enjoy the event.

Check out the program and register at

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Read the original article here
