How to Transform the Front Porch Into a Livable Space

Front porches are an integral part of traditional neighborhood developments, encouraging interaction between neighbors, shielding entryways, and providing a threshold from the public world to a private one. According to Housing Design Matters, properly designed porches not only add to a home’s aesthetic appeal, but they also function as livable, usable space for homeowners and guests. 

A minimum depth of six feet is adequate for a set of small chairs, but a larger depth of eight feet can accommodate a full outdoor living setup or a porch swing. Apart from size, a front porch’s comfort relies on the textures and materials used to create a warm, inviting space. Rather than concrete, Housing Design Matters suggests finishing the flooring with synthetic wood planking and adding a maintenance-free beadboard patterned vinyl to the ceiling.

Homes with front porches just look better. Perhaps they evoke nostalgia and memories of less hectic times. Almost all styles of houses look better with porches. The details around the porch may change from style to style like the size and shape of the columns, the trim around the windows and even the color and style of the front door. All of these components come together to enhance that quintessential image of “Home”.

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