Housing Design Matters Shares Trends from 2022 BALA Awards

Last week, builders, architects, and designers alike held their breath as experts judged projects at the Best in American Living Awards (BALA). Across 36 states, with close to 400 submissions of a variety of categories from new construction to large and small renovation, it’s no surprise that certain trends started emerging. According to Deryl Patterson of Housing Design Matters, some of the top trends they saw were colorful kitchens, designer bathrooms, wine displays, great outdoor living, and more.

Our judging team included a diverse group of talented people. We had both diversity of disciplines and locations. From the builder side, we had a custom builder, a remodeler, and a national production builder – who is also trained as an interior designer. From the architect side, we had both a single family, multifamily and amenity specialists. Our group was rounded out with a landscape architect and land planner as well as a journalist from Professional Builder. Geographically speaking, we came from Connecticut, Florida, Oklahoma, Colorado, California, and Oregon. These different perspectives and expertise in one room made for an enriching environment.

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