Business, Tech, and Design Trends 2020 by Fjord

Every year, Fjord–Accenture Interactive’s design and innovation practice–crowdsources trends for the year ahead from its network of 1,200 people in 33 studios worldwide. The report looks at what’s ahead for the future of business, technology, and design. This is recommended reading for AEC leaders and developers who want to widen their horizons.

The main message of the report is that we’re seeing a realignment of the fundamentals over the next two to five years.

“This is nothing else than the end of the digital transformation and the beginning of a new kind of transformation around value and values,” says Mark Curtis, Co-Founder and Chief Client Officer of Fjord.

The report highlights these seven trends:

  • Many faces of growth
  • Money changers
  • Walking barcodes
  • Liquid people
  • Designing intelligence
  • Digital doubles
  • Life-centered design

You can read the summary and download the full report at

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