Behind the Build: Why I Build [Video]

Over the last few months, our “Behind the Build” blog series has explored personal motivations, connections and experiences within the construction industry. At the root of it, the interviews have strived to unearth the following question, “Why do we build?”

This week, we’re sharing a very special video compilation for “Behind the Build.” In the video, construction professionals share their stories and feelings about the industry. Enjoy below and feel free to share.

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Why I Build

Throughout the series, we’ve had interviewees share with us a variety of reasons why they build. Below, here are some of our favorites reasons for “Why I Build”:

  • Opportunity to Improve Our World: “We understand that the construction industry has one of the biggest influences in the world we live in. So, it’s important we take action and responsibility and build to improve the places where we live and work.” – Bahitbek Katen, Chairman, Artisan Group
  • New Challenges: “I enjoy a challenge. The ever-changing and advancing commercial construction industry is a great place for that.” – John Foster, Director of Construction, Patton AC
  • Creating Something Tangible: “I love construction because at the end of the day we provide a tangible product. We can walk up and feel it. The product that we deliver is something that is solid. We can see it with our eyes and that in itself is a wonderful feeling.” – Juliana Choy Sommer, President, Priority Architectural Graphics
  • The Responsibility: “The fact that everyone else is really into it makes me into it. There’s a lot of ownership. I have a lot of responsibility, so that’s big for me. It helps me feel like I’m important and I need to be there. And just the love of it, I guess. I really love what I do.” – Stephanie Weldon, Project Manager Cahill Contractors
  • The Teamwork: “The camaraderie on a construction site is really compelling and makes any other job seem not as interesting. I can’t imagine myself doing anything else. There’s just something so cool about getting together with a group of people and making something huge and meaningful that will be there for a long time.” – Catherine Joslin, Project Engineer, Webcor Concrete
  • A Sense of Accomplishment: “There is a sense of pride and accomplishment in knowing I had a hand in providing safe and quality buildings for people to enjoy, live in and visit.” – Kyle Hlebak, Project Engineer, Snavely Building Company

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