In the podcast interview with Jamiee Williams, Architectural Lead at SPACE10, we discuss the recently announced Urban Village Project. The project ret…
Forum Wood building Nordic 2019 will focus on the role of design in the future, veneer and massive wood construction, resource efficiency and sustaina…
Artificial intelligence and machine learning help building designers, but also those who want to make construction sites safer. Here are my picks from…
Aarni Heiskanen started the AEC Business blog in June 2012. Over the years, hundreds of experts in construction innovation and technology have shared …
Built Robotics and Mortenson have announced their partnership. The partnership is focused on earthmoving activities for renewables projects like wind …
A Finnish experimentation project developed a framework for classifying ground conditions for building and infrastructure construction. It will help a…
NXT BLD (Next Build) is a future looking conference and exhibition which explores emerging technology for the built environment, beyond BIM. Topics in…