CEMEX Ventures shares the conclusions drawn from a recent roundtable in Paris, France, with six industry leaders to improve digitization and productiv…
Construction contains thousands of big and small tasks. How can a client and contractor know if they have all been completed as intended? Congrid offe…
Modern offices consist of variable spaces that cater to personal preferences and functional needs. The indoor air quality is typically not as adaptive…
Heating in EU households accounts for 79% of the total energy consumption. In cold climate areas, like Finland, the percentage is even higher. Enermix…
thyssenkrupp Materials Services relies on Microsoft for in-house solution development. AI is an essential component of the holistic digitalization str…
KIRA-digi was a national built environment digitalization spearhead project of the Finnish government carried out in 2016-2019. The project supported …
LetsBuild, recently formed by the merger of Belgian APROPLAN and Danish GenieBelt, will soon be launching an ambitious BIM product. LetsBuild wants to…
Modern man lives under the illusion of being the most intelligent being out there. This is the paradox of human nature; we all want to make the best d…