Solibri is a trailblazer in the automated checking of building information models and it has been a leader in this field for many years. I had the ple…
This WDBE Talks podcast episode is a prelude to the pitchfest, WWF Life EconomisE KIRA-challenge, that takes place on May 19, 2020, in Helsinki and on…
Venture capital investment firm Shadow Ventures announced today a virtual AEC/RE Pitchathon that will connect a global community of investors, archite…
Building authorities around the world are looking for ways to transform the permitting process, to use building information models (BIMs) instead of 2…
Tietoa Finland Ltd has resolved the pain of heavy PDF content in an architectural competition online. A cloud-based platform enables seamless and effo…
Mind the Bridge has published a shortlist of European construction sector innovators which they consider most interesting and which they have met with…