Architectural Democracy – Interview with Pedro Aibéo

In this podcast interview with Pedro Aibéo, we discuss Architectural Democracy, a research project, and its practical implementations.

Pedro Aibéo, photo: Helen Kurri

Architectural Democracy started as a doctoral research by Pedro Aibéo, architect and civil engineer. Pedro has been doing his research at Aalto Bim Lab, Aalto University School of Engineering. The project has now grown into a larger working group of researchers and entrepreneurs who are currently putting in practice the developed technologies.

Pedro’s research “aims at investigating possibilities and benefits of combining existing technologies (Smartphones and BIM) in collaboration with government policies, in order to include end-users as participants in the decision making process of the built environment.”

Pedro explains in the interview, how citizens can e.g. create 3D interior models of their homes or other spaces with a mobile app, annotate objects, and share the information on a digital platform. The technology turns buildings into “dollhouses” with facades opened to reveal their interiors.

You can find information on Architectural Democracy and pilot projects at and on Facebook and Twitter (hashtag #ArcDem).

Architectural Democracy app demo

Listen to the interview (also in iTunes)

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