AI in AEC Conference 2021

Artificial Intelligence in Architecture, Engineering and Construction is a virtual two-day conference taking place on March 24-25, 2021. The program is published, and early bird registration is open until January 15, 2021.

The seed for this conference was planted with the preparation of the IABSE AI Workshop 2020. The high international interest towards the 2020 event showed that AEC industry has clear lack of this kind of global conference. Our industry is now ready to take the next step in AI deployment and move from building the foundation towards creating the value from data and AI.

The keynote speakers:

  • Hanna Hagström, Director of Artificial Intelligence, REAKTOR
  • Racel Amour, AI Development Manager, AUTODESK
  • Aviad Almagor, Senior Director, Emerging Technologies, TRIMBLE
  • Erika Pärn, BSc, MSc, PhD Research Associate at Cambridge Service Alliance, cdbb, Department of Engineering University of Cambridge

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