The American Concrete Institute’s (ACI’s) proposal to amend the existing North Carolina building code has been approved by the state’s Building Code Council and Rules Review Commission.
Effective January 1, 2022, North Carolina will become the fourth state to reference ACI CODE-562, joining Hawaii, Ohio, and Florida.
The code change establishes minimum requirements for the design, construction, repair, and rehabilitation of concrete structural elements in buildings for various levels of performance. Additionally, to improve life safety, the requirements define objectives and anticipated performance for the code official, owners, designers, contractors, and installers.
“The adoption of ACI CODE-562 in the North Carolina Building Code could not have been executed without the perseverance and engagement from ACI members,” said Steve Szoke, code advocacy engineer for ACI. “This included the creation of a well-rounded North Carolina collaboration group, multiple hearings with testimonies from Carolinians, and multiple education presentations on the use and benefits of ACI CODE-562.”