WDBE is now the “World of Digital Built Environment” – a continuous platform for our growing global community highlighting the brightest minds and digital solutions improving our urban future.
WDBE writes: “We have opened a call for presentations that explain and discuss what kind of supersenses there are available now and what else is still needed to future-proof our built environment. We welcome presentations from all around the built environment, ranging from land use planning and zoning to building and tenant services as well as end-of-life and circularity solutions.
We hope that the submitted proposals will also look to highlight the various aspects of digitalisation, from sustainability impacts, new business models and the role of ecosystems to user experience. Additionally, presentations covering all of the various enabling technologies are welcomed.”
UPDATE: The deadline is now May 14, 2021
Early Bird Registration
Register with Early bird fee 129 EUR + VAT by June 30, 2021!
If you have a group of 10 or more attendees, you can buy a Group ticket (Early bird price á 99 EUR + VAT).