How Top Construction Companies Navigate Healthcare Complexity [webinar]

The motto that has been driving the technologies of tomorrow, “move fast and break things,” is far from applicable in the healthcare construction sector. Constructing and maintaining medical facilities is complex–and for a good reason. While schedules are often ambitious and facilities are integrated with cutting edge innovation, construction teams need to exercise extreme care and caution when building.

Construction companies that want to move forward efficiently and carefully need the right tools. To address this complexity and to improve their coordination and communication, healthcare teams have turned to construction technology.

What technology and strategies are the top healthcare construction companies utilizing on their projects? In our upcoming webinar, “Leveraging Technology to Navigate the Complexity of Healthcare Projects,” we hosted a panel of experts from companies like Overaa Construction and Kaiser Permanente. Tune in to hear what challenges other healthcare teams face daily and learn how they are using construction technology during design, construction and operations to overcome the obstacles. Watch our webinar today.   

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Healthcare Challenges: Why Construction Teams Need to Move with Caution

Healthcare teams in construction and facilities face a variety of difficulties. This includes maintaining patient safety in new builds and while renovating existing facilities. Furthermore, design and construction teams need to continually adapt to layout requirements, code changes, and advancements in medical equipment, in addition to influence from a variety of external stakeholders.

Camille Hardin, Project Manager at Overaa Construction, and a panelist on our webinar, commented on how time-consuming it was to manage changes on projects in the past, “For each revision, our team had to sift through the bulletins to find the changes, quantify the cost, work with the subcontractors to explain the changes and ensure nothing was missed.”

How Technology Empowers Healthcare Construction Projects and Operation Teams

Today, companies like Overaa have been adopting digital solutions, like PlanGrid, to keep up with the ever-evolving healthcare environment. “PlanGrid saves us and our subcontractors time. I know that everyone always has the most current set,” said Camille.  

In our webinar, panelists will discuss:

  • Healthcare-specific use cases for construction technology in all phases of facility construction
  • Best practices and tips for successful construction technology implementation

The webinar will also include a live Q&A with panelists for all attendees.

Move Faster Without Risking Quality

Due to the complexity of healthcare construction and operations, it’s not possible to “move fast and break things.” However, there are solutions that help teams work smarter and more productively, without sacrificing patient care. If you’re interested in learning how design, building and facilities teams can overcome the complex nature of the healthcare construction industry with technology, watch our webinar today.

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