10 Construction News Stories that Shaped May 2019

The Top Construction News You Should Read from the Month

With Memorial Day Weekend now come and gone, the construction summer season has officially begun for jobsites across the U.S. Whether you’re catching up from the holiday weekend or trying to balance work during this busy time of year, it’s essential to take a moment to catch up on the latest industry news. Sounds overwhelming? Don’t worry–we’re here to help.

Each month, we sift through the top construction news stories to find the best and most engaging articles for readers of the Construction Productivity Blog. Without further ado, here’s the top 10 construction news and articles we think will pique your interest from May 2019:

1. AI in Construction Can Streamline Tasks, Improve Insights—Even Save Lives


Artificial intelligence in construction has long been forecasted as the future of work. This new video and blog from Redshift highlight the real potential of AI in the near future.  

2. Everything Starts With Safety

Construction Executive

During this month’s Construction Safety Week, we celebrated the top construction companies driving safety in the industry. In the Construction Executive article, the author also highlights how establishing a culture of safety at a construction firm benefits employees and businesses alike.

3. More Than $70 Billion Needed to Rehabilitate Our Nation’s Dams

Dam Safety

If you’ve been reading our blog, you have seen articles portraying how the world is in dire need of infrastructure upgrades. A new report highlights how our nation’s dams are crumbling, and just how much of an expense it will be to make the needed repairs.

4. How Skanska is putting 3D scanning to work in New York City

Architects Newspaper

In March, Laser Scanning was the technology champion in our ConTech Madness Competition. Since then, we’ve been keeping an eye out on movement from the innovation. This recent article showcases how construction company Skanska is putting 3D laser scanning to real use on the Moynihan Train Hall and the LaGuardia Terminal B redevelopment.

5. For Healthcare Building Projects, Construction Technology is Vital


Healthcare construction is extremely complex. The right technology is vital to navigating the complexities of building in this sector. Read more about the top innovations helping construction companies build better in healthcare.

6. Combining Construction Forces: Autodesk + PlanGrid + BuildingConnected + Assemble Systems

Connect & Construct

Over the last few years and even months, the construction software landscape has been evolving. On a new ConTechCrew podcast, learn more about how Autodesk is connecting construction workflows and transforming the future of the building industry.

7. NYC region holds lead in struggling retail construction sector

Construction Dive

On our blog, we’ve recently discussed leading strategies for the retail construction sector. The Construction Dive article also explores how the decline of brick and mortar and the rise of e-commerce is impacting the industry, especially in New York City.

8. Construction employers must adapt to millennial workforce needs: researcher

Daily Commercial News

The construction industry needs to adapt its hiring and recruiting strategies to entice millennial workers. With insight from new research, find out how construction companies can attract more millennials to their workforce.

9. 19-Year-old Construction Worker Uses Crane to Rescue Over a Dozen People From Apartment Fire

Good News Network

We all need to read a little good news in our life. Watch to see how a young and heroic Chinese construction worker saved over a dozen people from a burning apartment building.

10. Electronic Documents Put All Construction Stakeholders on the Same Page


What happens when a construction company digitizes all project documents and collaborate over changes in real-time? Read the story to find out how Joeris improved transparency with electronic documents.

Find Any Construction News Stories You Think Every Builder Should Read? Share Your Thoughts!

On our blog, we want to hear about all the construction articles you loved, liked, hated and everything in between. Want to start a discussion? Share your thoughts or a link to an article in the comments below!

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